
【アメリカドラマ】Game of Thrones – Season 5 – フレーズ集

Table of Contents 目次

Episode 2

I've been all over the world and if there's one thing I've learned, is that meanness comes around.
see "What goes around comes around."

Episode 5

I hope you find your chamber suitable.

on your knees.

ambushed. 待ち伏せされた。

I think that I’m not fit to have an opinion on these matters.

I would clap. 拍手したいところだが

fishing village 漁村

Episode 7

venison 鹿肉

Episode 8

I know the Mad king earned his name. そう呼ばれて当然、その名の通り。他是名副其實的暴君

With all my heart.


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